La Plata: 301-934-7676
Leonardtown: 240-725-5360
Prince Frederick: 443-550-6060
These resources do not require a login.
Multidisciplinary index of over 17,000 peer-reviewed open access journals, covering subjects in humanities, social sciences, STEM, and medicine. (FREE)
Index and free access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed books.
Collection of Open Access repositories providing free access to academic outputs and resources.
Non-profit library of books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. Includes tools such as the Wayback Machine and Open Library.
Open and editable library catalog with a goal to create one web page for every book ever published. Includes links to access free books (in the public domain) and to borrow books from the Internet Archive's digital collections.
Provides access to millions of materials from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions across the country.
These tools may also be helpful in your search, though they may not always include full-text access:
If you live in Maryland, you can access many resources through your local public library - including eBooks! Public libraries will likely have more variety if you are looking for fiction, and can be helpful to supplement the nonfiction and educational eBooks provided by CSM Libraries.
Search library collections in your community and around the world.