La Plata: 301-934-7676
Leonardtown: 240-725-5360
Prince Frederick: 443-550-6060
An abstract is a summary of the article. In addition to introducing the topic, abstracts often include information about research methods and results.
The introduction outlines the author’s plans for the article and can help you determine which parts of the article will be most useful to you. The conclusion section reviews all of the ideas and findings from the rest of the paper.
Topic sentences can help you determine whether that paragraph will include anything relevant to your research, or if you can skim (or skip) it.
Read the rest of the article, skimming through sections that are not relevant to your research.
Need more sources for your assignment?
Citations listed at the end of a scholarly article can be a great place to find additional relevant sources. Use the library’s databases or E-Journal Portal to search for the article or journal titles.
Flip through the textbook to get a general feel for how the book is set up. Here are a few ideas of things you may look for:
This step can be helpful in figuring out how much time it might take to do your assigned reading.
The "Preface" is an introduction to the book by its author(s). It often includes information about why the book was written, who helped create the book, and what readers can expect to learn.
"About the Authors" offers short biographies about each author, usually outlining their credentials (what qualifies them to write the book on this topic) and other books they have published.
Flip through the textbook and keep an eye out for these sections:
Flip through one chapter to see how they are generally set up. Read or make note of these sections or types of content:
You're ready to start reading! As you read your chapter, don't forget to make annotations in the margins or take notes on separate paper.