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Learn how to use NoodleTools to create citations and manage your research.


  1. Log in to NoodleTools and create a project for your assignment.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click on the "All Options" (three dots) button.
  3. In the save & export options, click "NoodleTools" under the citation export section.
    All save and export options available in ProQuest
  4. This will open a new tab to import into NoodleTools. Select the project for your assignment, then click "Import."
    NoodleTools import page with option to select project.


  1. Log in to NoodleTools and create a project for your assignment.
  2. In the column on the right side of the page, click on "Export."
  3. Select the "Direct Export to NoodleTools" option then click "Save."
    Export Manager options in an EBSCO database
  4. This will open a new tab to import into NoodleTools. Select the project for your assignment, then click "Import."


  1. Log in to NoodleTools and create a project for your assignment.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the "Source Citation" section, then select the citation style you need.
  3. Click "NoodleTools."
    Citation and export options in Gale databases
  4. This will open a new tab to import into NoodleTools. Select the project for your assignment, then click "Import."

CREDO Reference

  1. Log in to NoodleTools and create a project for your assignment.
  2. Above the article or entry, click "Citation."
  3. Select the citation style, then click "NoodleTools."
    Citation tool options in CREDO Reference database.
  4. This will open a new tab to import into NoodleTools. Select the project for your assignment, then click "Import."