La Plata: 301-934-7676
Leonardtown: 240-725-5360
Prince Frederick: 443-550-6060
A reference to a source (such as an article or book) that provides information to help others find the same work; often follows specific formats based on type of source and citation style (usually APA, MLA, or Chicago) being used
A list of citations or references of sources used in research; in APA Style, this is titled "References"; in MLA Style, this is titled "Works Cited"
APA (American Psychological Association) Style is a writing and citation style commonly used in the social sciences, business, and nursing
MLA (Modern Language Association) Style is a writing and citation style commonly used in the humanities, especially language and literature
Using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person; in an academic context, this includes copying exact quotations without citing the source, paraphrasing or describing and idea you learned from a source without giving credit, and not providing complete or accurate information in citations
*These are often social norms/expectations that may or may not be enforced. Consequences may be legal or purely social (social rejection or being seen as rude, a liar, or clueless about a community’s culture).
NoodleTools is an online tool that helps with:
CSM provides FREE access to NoodleTools for students. To learn how to create your account, check out the NoodleTools library guide.
There are other citation tools available online. Many simply help you to generate citations without options for organizing research, or they may require a subscription fee. The following tools are free (or have free versions):