La Plata: 301-934-7676
Leonardtown: 240-725-5360
Prince Frederick: 443-550-6060
When you need information about something, what do you usually do?
While these can all be great places to start, college courses require a higher level of research.
The research process is not a straight line, and you will most likely need to go back and forth between different steps as you develop your paper or presentation.
In reality, your research process may look more like this:
A thesis statement makes an assertion or argument about a topic, and then shares how the topic will be explored in the rest of paper.
A research question identifies what overarching, central question will be answered in the paper.
Before searching for articles, you will need to choose your topic, identify ideas or concepts related to your topic, and brainstorm keywords.
For example:
For each major idea, try to come up with one or more keywords including: